As Franciscans we love and take care of everything that God has received, we jealously watch over the care of the Common House and we are trained to be promoters of Peace and Goodness inside and outside our Alvernia College.

God created all creatures with love and kindness, large, small, in human or animal form, all are children of the Father and it was so perfect. It is useless to walk anywhere to evangelize unless our path is our gospel.

― A reflection of Saint Francis of Assisi

The true teaching that we transmit is what we live, and we are good preachers when we put into practice what we say.

Maca has the qualities of a Franciscan: She is noble, attentive, vigilant, tender, obedient and a lover of children.

At our School we are very happy to have her as part of our family and that we can all enjoy her presence.

Let’s love and take care of our pets, let’s respect creation, and as Franciscans let’s help take care of the great treasure that God has placed in our care, let’s not be indifferent to a planet that cries out.