

Astronomy Center

To bring students and their families closer to the wonderful world of astronomy, night camps are held, in which workshops, talks and star projection are offered, among other events.


Astronomy Center

The Astronomical Center provides a space for astronomy and related sciences such as: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, engineering and aerospace sciences, with transversality in each of the training fields.

Activities focused on encouraging scientific culture are also carried out, making use of the different spaces such as: An observatory equipped with a telescope capable of capturing different celestial bodies, a planetary dome with a hemispherical projection and collections of minerals and taxidermy.

To bring students and their families closer to the wonderful world of astronomy, night camps are held, in which workshops, talks and star projection are offered, among other events.

activities against day

Students who want to increase their knowledge in Astronomy can join the following Clubs:

  • Monday, Club Antares: Grades 6, 7 and
  • Tuesday, Betelgeuse Club: Grades 3, 4, and 5
  • Thursday, Club Aldebarán: Transition Grades, 1st and 2nd
  • Friday, Procyon Club: Grades 9 10 and 11